Polish surname origin

surname orgin

Knowing your surname meaning enriches your genealogical knowledge

The surname is the basic element identifying a family. It is in the surname where our most distant history is written. The analysis of the origin of a surname allows to enrich genealogical knowledge with a cultural aspect and often goes beyond the chronological framework set by written sources. The service consists of several parts:

  • Linguistic analysis based on historical changes taking place in the Polish language.
  • Outlining the culture in which the family was embedded.
  • Identification of places and frequency of occurrence of the name.
  • Checking whether the name appears in arms and lists of the Polish nobility.
  • Indication of variants of the analyzed name.

We also subject this type of analysis to other proper names, such as: nickname, coat of arms, first name, local name.

Your Polish surname meaning – how it’s being done?

In order to be able to confirm how the surname has evolved – changed over time, you can extend the above analysis through our basic service, i.e. genealogical research:

Genealogical research is a comprehensive activity aimed at tracing the history of a family and determining the degree of kinship between its individual members. It is a multi-stage and complex process of discovering the history of the family and their individual lines (on both mother and father side), as well as discovering the history of its individual representatives.

Many years of experience have allowed us to develop an effective system of genealogical research, tailored to the individual needs of our clients. That is why the first stage of our service – preparation of a personalized offer along with a cost estimate and search plan is free. During it, we check the availability of documentation and assess the possibilities of carrying out searches, assess the scale of research difficulties, in which institutions the necessary documentation is stored (state archives, diocesan / archdiocesan archives, parish archives, Registry Offices, etc.), what is the date range and state of their preservation. Then, based on our analysis, we create a personalized offer with a cost estimate.

Order our analysis of Your Polish surname 

If you want to use our services, you must send us the most important information about your Polish ancestors / wanted people, remembering that all stories are important, even the most improbable ones!

The most important for our assessment are:

  • names and surnames (in the case of women also maiden names);
  • dates related to birth, marriage, death – even indicative (annual or a range of years);
  • places related to the most important events in the life of ancestors;
  • religion of your ancestors;

If you have old documents, such as death, marriage and birth certificates, old letters, we will be grateful if you have them scanned or photographed and sent to us through email. Though it is not necessary for creating an analysis of the search possibilities. You will receive a personalized offer within 3 days.